5 Ways To Use Email Marketing To Get More Sales

5 Ways To Use Email Marketing To Get More Sales

Ever heard the phrase "the money is in the list?"

It's all about email marketing. Most brands will tell you that the most significant marketing channel they have to get more sales is their email list.

It makes sense, right?

People who sign up for your email list are indicating interest in your brand. They are raising their hands and saying that they want to hear more. These are the people you want to nurture over time.

The more they like your stuff and trust you the easier it is going to be to convince them to become customers.

So, how do you use email marketing to get more of the people who are already on your list even more engaged?

Keep reading!

1. Send out an email for every blog post

Most brands already rely on email newsletters. These are an excellent way to build consistency and trust with your list over the long run.

But that's just the first step. To take things to the next level, you should also send out emails for every blog post you write. Doing this helps alert readers that there is a new post, helps boost traffic to the site, and can work to amplify social sharing too.

2. Pay attention to stats

Your numbers can tell you a lot when it comes to email marketing, so don't ignore them.

Pay attention to which emails get opened most often, what style of subject lines create more opens, and which links inside the email get clicked.

Also, note the best time to send your emails. MailChimp (and other brands) have done a lot of research on this and found specific days and even times of day see higher open rates than other days. Plan accordingly.

3. Give people a reason to subscribe

It doesn't matter what your open rate or click through rate for your emails is if you can't get anyone on your list to start.

To perfect that, you have to give people a very good reason why they should get on your email list. There are many ways to do this from content upgrades to coupon codes to industry-specific whitepapers.

Whatever you choose make sure it's something that is going to be useful to your readers and offer them real value. Learn more about creating good opt-ins here.

4. Resend emails to people who didn't open them

Regardless of how good your email marketing skills are, you are going to have a chunk of your email list (likely over 50%) that isn't opening your emails.

There are a ton of reasons for why this is happening, but there is something you can do to try up your open rates: resend the email.

Most email service providers give you the option to resend your emails to people who didn't open them. Take advantage of this, but do one more trick, change the subject line. Keep it related but test out a new title and see how it performs.

5. Segment your list

A lot of experts preach the advice of segmenting your list but not enough brands do it. When you segment your list, you break it into smaller chunks of people who have something in common, maybe they signed up for the same opt-in, or they have bought in the past.

When you can see the behaviors of the people on your list, you can send much more targeted emails that apply to them.

For example, people who have already bought a product are going to be far more likely to respond to an email about a sale featuring a related or complementary product.

Final Thoughts

The brands that work hard to improve their email marketing are those who see success. Even a small increase in open rates can translate into more revenue in the long run.

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