5 Reasons to Attend More Networking Events

5 Reasons to Attend More Networking Events

We’ve all been told at some point to attend a networking event, but once your career or business has taken off, are the still as valuable? In a word, YES! You’ve heard it before: It’s not just who you know, it’s who knows you, and you also don’t know what you don’t know. You’ll find dozens of networking events in Boston each month - From industry specific, to events for startups. From breakfast and coffee discussions, to more formal events in the evening.

BostonYPA offers a variety of networking events because we believe that networking is a crucial for young professionals, and will benefit to you and your career - no matter how far along you are in your career. Other organizations offer valuable formats as well - the Boston TweetUP Calendar is a great resource to find them.

Here are our top five reasons to attend a networking event:

1.) To Build Relationships: The best part about networking events is that like-minded individuals are all together in an informal environment. Attendees of events all share a common ground, whether it’s because you work in STEM, live in Beacon Hill, or are simply a Young Professional. From there, you never know who you will meet, and the value you can add for them and vice versa. Relationships can be born at events such as these, and they will be build with great follow up and staying active within the group. Learn the art of maintaining that relationship, and you’re golden!

2.) Increase your visibility - you never know who you will meet at an event, and who they know and can connect you with. You’ll stay top of mind if you frequent the events that are right for you, while meeting new people that you align with.

3.) Get Great Ideas and Solutions for your Business, Keep up to Date with Trends, and Stay Informed.

Hearing the ideas of those who are successful is an opportunity to learn from their experience. If you treat the event as a learning opportunity, you will find them to be very beneficial to you. If your day or operations has fallen into a routine, you may be unaware of new trends or solutions. When in a room with others from your industry, you can learn from their practices and perspective. This provides a great opportunity to learn about what is working for others, or how your industry has evolved..

4.) Connect with People you Otherwise Wouldn't - if you’re busy in your office all day and have lunch with the same people, find an event where you can cross paths with others that can support your career or teach you something new. You’ll have the opportunity to connect with key influencers and leaders in your field. These may be people you can’t easily reach out to, or stop on the street to speak with, however networking events provide the environment to approach these people and have a discussion.

5.) To get motivated - put yourself in a room of successful and excited individuals, all of which are sharing their ideas and interested in meeting you, and you’ll leave refreshed and motivated for what’s next with the ideas and inspiration you’ll receive.

Meet our team and let us know who you are looking to connect with! All of our events have hosts from our Leadership Team, and we’re excited to help you make connections. Each month we host a Networking Night for Young Professionals, a bimonthly Young Executive Night, along with quarterly Speed Networking and New Member Mixers. Join us next week at our annual Back to Business Bash!

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