Member Spotlight: Jude David

Member Spotlight: Jude David

This week we’re meeting Jude David, one of our newest Members. Jude is the President and Founder of the Boston Chapter of the NABCJ. As he grows his chapter, we’re excited for our communities to collaborate and learn from each other.

Let’s Get to Know Jude David!

Tell us more about your job or company - what led you to this focus?

I was invited to speak at the National conference in 2022. Even though I was a guest speaker, they treated me life family! People I’m meeting for the first time, appear genuinely happy for me and my success and for the first time in a long time I remembered how good it felt to be amongst likeminded people batting for equal and fair treatment for black and brown people when it comes to social and criminal justice. We are multi ethnic organization and ANYONE REGARDLESS THE SKIN COLOR are welcomed to join. After speaking to the president and some of the board members at the national and better having an undersetting of the type of influence and assistance we can have in the city of Boston, I was like “lets get it!” We are an active millennial based non profit that assist our community through educational workshops, programming and membership events.

What are your current responsibilities and background?

I am a motivational speaker, national trainer and a criminal Justice professional. Growing from humbled beginnings in Boston, MA, I started my career as a group home manager for at risk youth. I later transitioned to the Department of Youth Services as a unit supervisor. Four years later, I moved to the Sheriff’s Department where I was able to complete his master’s degree in public administration. In 2018, I became a probation officer and in 2021 was promoted to his current role of Program Manager for the department.

I sit on several nonprofit boards, including Boston NABCJ where I am the president and founder of the chapter. Boston NABCJ is a local chapter of the National Association of Blacks in Criminal Justice which is a social and criminal justice centered organization. Jude mirrors his personality of being a innercity millennial criminal justice professional into the non profit. We do things for the culture and we do things for our community. Once month we might teach a course on CPR and first aide and the next month we are have a sip and paint network social. 

What would your clients or colleagues say about you?

I’m busy doing a million things! People think I have a sitting still or resting problem.. No, that’s not true. I have a creativity problem. My passion and my spirit keeps me up at night. Movies and tv shows become boring and I end up creating a bunch of new projects in my head. They would say im the loudest person in the room and I’m always talking or exchanging information with people. I am resourceful man and I am a genuine person. If me or my non profit can help, we will be there! I am very much a disrupter and that’s the personality of Boston NABCJ. We understand we are blessed and highly favored to do this work so we fight for the ones that can’t.

What advice would you give someone just starting in your industry?

I have been in the criminal justice industry since the age of 18, both in my professional and entrepreneurial endeavors. There’s a lot of people that are involved in this work and there’s a lot of people that want to be more active in the field however always remember people put in time and effort to the best of their ability with be limited in resources, funds or time. Don’t try to focus on appeasing or limiting your vision to get people to jump on you success train. If you're passionate about the work, the right people and the right resources will come. If you build it, the right people will come. When I decided to start this non profit, there was a lot of formalities and people “interested” in working with us but when the time came, people were restricted because of resources or didn’t respond to my calls or texts. A year later, Boston NABCJ was awarded a generous grant by a private stakeholder and now we are not only servicing our community, but we are throwing events and programming as well.

What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned so far in your career?

People are hustling, writing grants, pitching sales and curating events just like you. Don’t take offense if people don’t believe in you or your mission. Don’t give up because you haven’t gotten approved for money or found funding to create your event. Just keep focusing on the goal and continue to navigate through your blockages. Nothing meaningful comes easy! Power through your obstacles with finesse and watch your blessings start to manifest.

Who are your ideal clients? Where can they find you?

My clientele is split in half between my public speaking and my nonprofit work. I am a nationally speaker and trainer on topics such as Millennials in the workplace, DEI, DISC personality assessments and much more. More information can be found on my website or @i_amjudedavid on IG or iamjudedavid on linkedin.

My non profit clientele is either people that want to join the work or is in need of resources. We are always looking to partner up with other communiy members and people to put events and programming into the community. We are always looking for guest speakers, event curators and workshop faciliators to add to our webinar series and most events. We can be found at , and @boston_nabcj on IG

In the BostonYPA Community:

Jude will be attending BostonYPA events to spread awareness of Boston NABCJ and grow it’s Membership. BostonYPA members will be invited to their events- save the date for the African Diaspora Influence event on November 18th, featuring Chef Chris Faison, a networking event in December and a professional conference in February.

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