Getting the most out of Virtual Conferences

Getting the most out of Virtual Conferences

Ug. The world is reopening, it’s time to meet new people, shake hands, and travel to new parts of the country… but the industry conferences or your company’s annual meetings are still virtual. You’re expected to sit still and interact with your colleagues virtually while your world - home, office, or home office - keeps moving around you, with every possible distraction. How will you stay focused? How can you maximize your time? How will you learn new skills and absorb new concepts to move your business or career forward? How will you make new connections?

Our team shares their tips so that you can “be” at a virtual conference and reap the benefits of a live experience.

Before “Arriving”:

  • Act like you are actually out of office

  • Block off your calendar for the times the conference runs, and don’t double book!

  • Use an out of office reply with you email - craft a message that allows your contacts to know that you are taking steps to further your knowledge, develop skills, and stay current in your industry.

  • Clean off your desk (counter, coffee table), to minimize distractions. Clear off the “to do” list if you can!

  • When you log into the conference, close other browser windows and files to avoid temptation to multi task.

Create a Conference Environment

  • You don’t need to book a hotel room, but you can add some touches to your home or office to give yourself some of the comforts that come with attending a conference.

    • Buy a new outfit, or dry clean the suit that has been in your closet for a year

    • Book a salon appointment before your “trip”

  • Get a new notebook, pens, a coffee mug - all the swag you’d normally receive. If you have a team, create conference care package for those in you office attending.

  • If you have a conference room at your office, or a wide screen in your living room, connect your lap top to view the speaker’s “stage”.

  • Order out. Whether it’s a catering spread or stepped up delivery, skip cooking and indulge a bit.

Plan your day

  • Use the speaker list and conference agenda to fill in your personal agenda. Review your options and select sessions that are best for you.

  • Give yourself a few breaks. Just like when you are at a real conference, you’ll want to step away for 15 minutes to return calls or speak with someone you’ve just met.


  • Review other event attendees and connect with them on the app or conference website. If you have a great conversation or want to stay in touch, find that person on LinkedIn or Instagram and connect. You’re less likely to return to the conference app a few months after, but the apps you use every day will serve as a great way to stay in touch.

  • Chat! The sessions will have chat functions. Use the chat to ask the speaker questions, show agreement, or say hello to someone you recognize from past meetings.

  • Dumping your contact information or website into every conversation is not recommended.

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